Qualified Facilitators of the Global Competence Certificate facilitate global competence learning for students, staff or faculty at your institution or organization.

Register here!

AFS Qualified Facilitator Live Virtual Trainings:

August 6th (5pm-7pm NYC Time) or August 8th (9:30am – 11:30am NYC Time)

September 10th (5pm – 7pm NYC time) or September 12th (9:30am – 11:30am NYC Time) 

November 5th (5pm-7pm NYC Time) or November 7th (9:30am-11:30am NYC Time)


Benefits of becoming a Qualified Facilitator:

  • Learn tips for 100% intercultural learning facilitation for either online or in person sessions.
  • Gain key professional development skills within the field.
  • Continue developing your own intercultural learning by becoming a guide for others.
  • Grow your organization’s offerings in virtual learning and community building.
  • Join a robust Qualified Facilitators community – over 500 in our community worldwide with a special group on LinkedIn to share resources/tips/stories.
  • Gain a competitive edge by advertising your QF certification on your LinkedIn Profile with our badge.